Creating a Shareable Image

If you want to share your search results with someone else, maybe your mastermind members or an Amazon sellers group you're apart of, but don't want to give away your niche, you can use the Shareable Images.

A Shareable Image has all of the data points but with all the product details hidden. It will display as the high level category instead. 

Work Instruction Steps

  1. Add your search results to the Dashboard.
  2. Go to your Dashboard.
  3. Click on the Saved Search from the left side menu. 
  4. Click on 'CREATE SHAREABLE IMAGE' from the bottom left menu.
  5. The image will open in a new window. It will look like this:
  6. If necessary you can click on any row to 'Highlight' that data.
  7. Once the image is how you'd like, scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'DOWNLOAD'.
  8. The page will convert into a jpeg file and download to your Chrome browser bottom ribbon.
  9. Once you have download your shareable image, click 'CLOSE' to close this window.
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