Frequently Asked Questions


Does this only work for Chrome?

Unfortunately at this time Unicorn Smasher is only available on Chrome. 

We don't yet support any other browsers such as Safari, Internet Explorer, or Firefox.

Do I need to connect this tool to my Amazon account?

Unlike other tools out there, we don't require you to connect your Amazon Seller Central account in order to use the tool. 

You just need to have open, run a search query and then simply click on the 'Unicorn Smasher' extension in your Chrome window.

Once you're in, start browsing products and smash away!

What Amazon marketplaces does it support?

Unicorn Smasher is fully functional for and

You can run Unicorn Smasher on any of Amazon's other marketplaces to collect data such as reviews, ratings, etc., but for now we only provide sales and revenue estimates for the US and UK marketplaces. We plan on expanding these estimates to other marketplaces eventually, but we still need to collect much more data on listings from these countries to make sure that the sales estimates we provide are accurate

We unfortunately don't have a good estimate on when we're likely to finish this for each country, but we'll be sure to make some noise about it each time we do!

What's the accuracy of the estimated sales and revenue?

We think it's pretty darn good because it's based on data from tens of thousands of live products we are actually tracking, and it's continually improving each day that we add new searches. The number of data points we have collected is in the millions.  

However, please note these are just estimates since Amazon doesn’t give out this information. Remember that here, Estimated revenue = Price in Amazon at that time x Number of sales.

The data returned hasn't taken into account any discounted offers that the Sellers may have offered some buyers, it's not possible for us to do this with the data we have from Amazon.  Additionally, if a niche is super competitive and the BSR of the seller jumps around a lot, this will impact our ability to forecast accurately. So it's a good idea to check back a few times to get a better picture of a niche if it's competitive. 

How often is the data updated?

The system checks for new data every time a query is run.

At any time you can go to your Dashboard and this click 'Refresh' to re-analyze the data. 

The date and time displayed shows the last time the data was updated. 

Does it work for tracking sales of books, ebooks, and apps?

Yup, sure does!

How are Unicorn Smasher and AMZ Tracker connected?

Unicorn Smasher is a tool created by the AMZ Tracker team. 

We've basically put together a great tool for our AMZ Tracker customers as well as anyone else looking for this data and it's completely free!

Read more about your free 7 day trial of AMZ Tracker(Unicorn is free forever), and get the INSIDE EDGE on the competition.

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